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    Are you registered with a GP in Southwark, and you identify as African, Caribbean, Asian or any other background which differs from the white British majority and experiencing signs of stress, anxiety or depression?
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     Delivered by MHFA England, Community Southwark are hosting several free mental health first aid sessions to Southwark based groups. 
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    NHS South East London CCG has commissioned Qwell, a free, anonymous online counselling and emotional wellbeing service for adults from digital mental health pioneers Kooth.
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    We are looking for a volunteer to support the coordination of the Ambassadors Network.
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    Community and Connection grants provide funding for projects that make a positive contribution to the lives of people who have experienced or who currently experience mental illness, and primarily benefit boroughs served by SLaM.
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    Stress Awareness Month has been held every April, since 1992 to increase public awareness about both the causes and cures for our modern stress epidemic.
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    Find out about how to access mental health services and support in Southwark - whether you're feeling a bit down, or you think you need more support.
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    Caring for someone with a mental illness in the local area? Sign up to A Caring Mind Newsletter 
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    Your feedback would be greatly appreciated.
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    Do you, your family, or friends have experience of treatment for mental health in Southwark? Please share it with us to help shape our new project!