1. Report -

    We found through our work on GP access that some people use A&E instead of out-of-hour services which are available if their GP practice is closed.
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    In 2016, Healthwatch Southwark were involved in speaking to patients in short stay 'step-down' flats in an extra care scheme after leaving hospital.
  3. Report -

    Healthwatch Southwark wanted to understand the experience of local people in the context of the national experience of Trans patients and so started a series of engagement activities.
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    Sexual health was identified as a priority area for Healthwatch Southwark. We held a focus group with Mind charity to understand where young people turn to find information about sex and what their experience are of accessing sexual health services.
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    We were commissioned by Macmillan Cancer Support, to run a focus group exploring the different ways the Bengali community access information – where they get it from and in what format and language.
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    We worked with Southwark Council’s engagement team to visit a Bengali Women’s Group at the Rockingham Community Centre, to explore engagement opportunities to understand the issues this community faces when accessing health and social care services
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    The session was conducted in Spanish, led by Latin American Women’s Rights Service (LAWRS) with staff support from Coalition of Latin Americans in the UK (CLAUK) and Healthwatch Southwark.
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    Healthwatch Southwark spoke with Traveller women who reside in Traveller sites in Southwark, of which there are four: Springtide (Peckham), Brideale (Peckham), Ilderton (Bermondsey) and Burnhill (Peckham).
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    We held a public forum on 15th September at Canada Water Library. 67 people attended the event, with 15 people subsequently registering as new
    supporters of Healthwatch Southwark.
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    In December 2015, we published a report based on what 79 Southwark residents told us about GP access and experience.
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    Following an early report about the experiences of seldom-heard communities in accessing GPs, we carried out a review of GP out-of-hours answerphone messages.
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    We have been listening to unpaid carers about their experiences, the support they receive and further support they would like, and the impact that their role has on their life and wellbeing.
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    Read our latest report, based on in-depth interviews with a group of Southwark residents waiting for hospital treatment.
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    Find out more about our work and achievements over the past year.
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    Read our report on access to health and social care services for Latin American communities in Southwark.
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    Read what Healthwatch Southwark learned and achieved between October-December 2024.
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    Read what Healthwatch Southwark learned and achieved between January-March 2024.