1. Report -

    We found through our work on GP access that some people use A&E instead of out-of-hour services which are available if their GP practice is closed.
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    From October 2016 to February 2017 we spoke with 397 local people about what they thought HWS should focus on in 2017/18.
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    In December 2015, we published a report based on what 79 Southwark residents told us about GP access and experience.
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    Following an early report about the experiences of seldom-heard communities in accessing GPs, we carried out a review of GP out-of-hours answerphone messages.
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    Following an early report about the experiences of seldom-heard communities in accessing GPs, we carried out a review of GP out-of-hours answerphone messages.
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    We wanted to understand the potential benefits of social prescribing for residents, and to explore how social prescribing could work as effectively as possible for them.
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    Read our report examining people's experiences of accessing GP services in Southwark after the lifting of the lockdown restrictions in July 2021.
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    Read our latest quarterly Signposting and Feedback Insight Report! This report provides an overview of the key themes highlighted from community feedback and signposting enquiries we received from 1st April to 30th June 2023.
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    Read our report on access to health and social care services for Latin American communities in Southwark.
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    Read what Healthwatch Southwark learned and achieved between October-December 2024.
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    Read what Healthwatch Southwark learned and achieved between January-March 2024.
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    Over the summer of 2016, we engaged with 105 young people aged 13-25, via workshops and surveys, to find out about their experiences of sexual health education and information, access to services, and where they prefer to go for support.