1. Report -

    Find out more about our work and achievements over the past year.
  2. Report -

    Read our report on access to health and social care services for Latin American communities in Southwark.
  3. Response -

    Care providers have responded to our report on Latin American access to health and social care services in Southwark.
  4. News -

    Help Healthwatch Southwark understand how to improve healthcare access for adults with learning disabilities and autistic adults.
  5. Report -

    Read what Healthwatch Southwark learned and achieved between October-December 2024.
  6. Report -

    Read what Healthwatch Southwark learned and achieved between January-March 2024.
  7. News -

    We are hosting a series of pop ups as part of our listening tour whereby the general public can share their experiences in health and social care settings and know that we will do right by them to share this information with decision-makers.

  8. News -

    We at Healthwatch Southwark are pleased to share the letter of commendation from Mayor Michael Situ for our work in the community supporting residents address barriers to health and social services.