1. Advice and Information -

    Find key information about accessing primary care services, including GPs, pharmacies and dental practices.
  2. Advice and Information -

    Are you unhappy with your experience of health or social care services in Southwark? Making a complaint is a way to share your experience, get an explanation from the service, and suggest what could be improved in the future.
  3. Advice and Information -

    Find out about how to access mental health services and support in Southwark - whether you're feeling a bit down, or you think you need more support.
  4. Advice and Information -

    Find out how to access urgent and emergency healthcare, including for your teeth and eyes.
  5. Advice and Information -

    Find out how to access all different types of sexual health care in Southwark.
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    Find out how to access social care services in Southwark.
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    Do you want better sexual health care? Do you want to make any changes to the way services are run? This is a once in 5-year chance to influence how services could improve to better suit you.
  12. Advice and Information -

    Public Health England have produced this guide all women of childbearing age must should read before they go for vaccination.
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    This is your chance to make a difference to children, young people and their families by helping Evalina create an easy to find and family friendly building
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    Are you registered with a GP in Southwark, and you identify as African, Caribbean, Asian or any other background which differs from the white British majority and experiencing signs of stress, anxiety or depression?
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    A new survey, carried out by YouGov for The Eve Appeal, found that women are five times more likely to feel not listened to when seeking medical help for their reproductive health.
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     LOVO is a one-stop centre for vulnerable women and their families - mostly from Black and minority ethnic communities.
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    What is your experience of osteopathy? Use your unique experience to help make a difference to future osteopathic care.  
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    Your feedback would be greatly appreciated.
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    Do you, your family, or friends have experience of treatment for mental health in Southwark? Please share it with us to help shape our new project!
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    Resources to keep your community informed, support them to stay safe during the pandemic, and encourage them to get the vaccine.
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  27. News -

    A major priority for the General Osteopathic Council is to ensure that Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) is at the heart of their work.
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    NHS England and NHS Improvement is recruiting to a range of Patient Public Voice (PPV) partner roles on groups with responsibility for the commissioning of specialised services.
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    We want to hear local people’s thoughts on the vaccine, whatever they are, and whether you’ve had the vaccine or not. The survey closes on 11 June.
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    The University of Kent and the Belong Network are working together on the Beyond Us and Them research project (funded by the Nuffield Foundation) to understand the impact of Covid-19 on social cohesion in the UK.
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    Are you interested in helping to shape the future of Guy's and St Thomas' and Evelina London?
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    Are you an adult living or working in south London (or who works regionally or nationally focused on day centres) with interest in or experience of day centres, either through work or otherwise?
  33. Report -

    Find out more about our work and achievements over the year.