1. Report -

    This report reflects a solid year of work for the Healthwatch staff team and the support of the volunteers and members.
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    We wanted to understand the potential benefits of social prescribing for residents, and to explore how social prescribing could work as effectively as possible for them.
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    Read our latest report looking at areas of unmet need within community adult mental health services in Southwark based on feedback from service users and carers.
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    Find out more about our work and achievements over the past year.
  5. Report -

    Read our report examining people's experiences of accessing GP services in Southwark after the lifting of the lockdown restrictions in July 2021.
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    Read our latest report examining what our priorities should be for the upcoming year.
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    Read our most recent quarterly Signposting and Feedback Insight Report, providing an overview of the key themes we have identified from the community feedback and signposting enquiries we received from 1st April- 30th June 2022.
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    Read our latest quarterly Signposting and Feedback Insight Report, this report provides an overview of the key themes highlighted from community feedback and signposting enquiries we received from 1st July - 30th September 2022.
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    In November 2018, Healthwatch Southwark used our power of Enter and View to visit Southwark's only public nursing home, Tower Bridge Care Centre.